East Oak Cliff
East Oak Cliff is a mostly working-class area with a Black population of more than 15,000 which makes up 40% to 75% of the area with Hispanics making up the remainder. There are several distinct neighborhoods such as the Historic Tenth Street District (a freedman’s town), Cadillac Heights, and the very suburban looking Cedar Crest neighborhood. East Oak Cliff is serves by two DART Rail lines (red and blue) and is the location of the Dallas Zoo and the Cedar Crest Golf Course.
Median home values average $40,000 to $75,000, however the Cedar Crest neighborhood has several homes closer to $150,000 near the Cedar Crest Golf Course. Average rents range from $450 to $850 a month. Household incomes here vary from about $15,000 to $26,000 a year and between 3 to 10% of adults in East Oak Cliff hold a bachelors degree.