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The overall population is not expected to grow much because the city is almost “built out” (there is no more room for growth). However the demographics of the city are still changing because the working-class and middle class white population is moving out and being replaced by a working-class and middle-class black population.

Total population:—–39,599
Black population—–14,317 / 36%
Black median household income—–$42,308
Black married households—–22%
Percent of Blacks with a bachelor’s degree or higher—–24%
Percent of Black households that are homeowners—–46%
Percent of Black Families in poverty—–20%

Duncanville Independent School District (ISD) 2010
12,894 students
17 schools

Black 44%
Hispanic 43%
White 10%

Duncanville ISD Texas State Accountability Rating: Academically Acceptable

Pace Learning Center (Alternative) rated Academically Acceptable
Ninth Grade Center rated Academically Acceptable
One Middle School rated Exemplary
One Middle School rated Recognized
One Middle School rated Academically Acceptable
Two Intermediate Schools rated Recognized
One Intermediate School rated Academically Acceptable
Six Elementary schools rated Exemplary,
Three Elementary schools rated Recognized
Joe Wilson Intermediate School rated Recognized
None of the districts school where rated Unacceptable

Economically disadvantaged 64%
Special education 11%
Gifted/talented students 6%
Limited English proficient 14%

Beginning teachers 5%
1 to 5 years 34%
6 to 10 years 25%
11 to 20 years 19%
21 or more years 17%

Total per pupil expenditures$7,144

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